Are your Leave Balances Correct? You must review and certify your Vacation and sick time by Oct. 25
Each year, employees are responsible for reviewing their vacation and sick leave balances and certifying that they’re correct. Then, all supervisors must approve the leave certifications of their direct reports. Together, this policy ensures that employee leave balances are correct.
The leave certification process, set by Board of Regents Policy, will run from Sept. 25 to Oct. 25.
This year, the pandemic may have hindered the ability of some employees to use excess leave before the fiscal year end. In response, some campuses revised their maximum leave carryover policies. Please keep in mind that on the CU Denver campus, any carryover of excess vacation time is being tracked manually within the department, outside of the MyLeave system. Therefore, the vacation leave balance in excess of standard carryover limits will not be reflected in your leave balance. Please contact with any questions.
Visit our Leave Certification webpage for instructions and guides to certify your leave and, if you are a supervisor, to approve leave.