Congratulations to Dr. Jung-In Kim, Misum Kim, and Kathleen Palmquist!

Misun Kim (a doctoral student of RSEM program) and Kathleen Palmquist (a master’s student of LDFS program) have been chosen as the 2019 Korean-American Educational Research Association (KAERA) Graduate Student Research Paper Award recipients for the paper titled “The mediating effect of job satisfaction between motivation and happiness: Using Structural Equation Modeling.”

KAERA is an organization of Korean-American and Korean educational researchers to contribute to the advancement of knowledge, scholarship and practice in education. The paper by Misun and Katie examined the role of the young Korean employees’ extrinsic or intrinsic motivation on their happiness in life, using self-determination theory as a framework.

Misun and Katie will present the research paper with Jung-In Kim, a faculty advisor for the paper, during the 2019 KAERA Conference on Friday, April 5, 2019. The award certificate will be presented at the conference on that Friday evening.