Important Ecopass Action Required

December 14, 2018
ATTENTION: You must submit a new payment authorization form by Thursday, December 20th or your EcoPass will be CANCELLED.
To continue participating in the RTD EcoPass program, a new form must be submitted. Return your completed, signed, and dated RTD EcoPass Payment Authorization Form to the Parking & Transportation Services office—either in person or by email (—or your EcoPass will be cancelled. Forms are due Thursday, December 20th.
RTD EcoPass Payment Authorization Form »
You may disregard this email if you have already returned a new completed form to the Parking & Transportation Services office. Thank you for your prompt attention.
RTD EcoPass Rate Information

The upcoming 2019 RTD EcoPass contract for the Auraria Campus will increase by20% due to fare increases approved by the RTD Board of Directors in September 2018. Effective February 1st, 2019, the monthly EcoPass rate for campus employees will increase to $28.00.

As per your current contract, you may cancel your RTD EcoPass at any time. In order to permanently discontinue payroll deductions, you must return your RTD EcoPass to the Parking & Transportation Services office.

Questions: Contact 303-556-2003 or