Notice of Campus Visit – Sofia Chaparro (Thursday, January 19)

Sofía Chaparro, candidate for the Assistant/Associate Professor of Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Education, will be coming to campus on Thursday, January 19.

Her Research Presentation will be at 10:15 a.m. on Thursday, January 19 in LSC 745. Her presentation is titled, “I don’t want to be a Spanish Boy: Trajectories of Raciolinguistic Socialization in a Kindergarten Two-Way Immersion Classroom.” More information can be found here.

Bio: Sofía Chaparro is a PhD candidate in Educational Linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education. Her research investigates the social and cultural contexts in which bilingual teaching and learning take place. More specifically, her research has focused on understanding the rise of two-way immersion bilingual programs and the effects on students and families within these. Prior to graduate school, she was a teacher in two-way immersion bilingual schools in Boston, MA and El Paso, Texas. She is originally from the border between the United States and Mexico, from the west Texas town of El Paso. 

Sofía Chaparro‘s CV.

View the latest version of her interview schedule here.