Wellness Center Focus Groups

As CU Denver moves forward with the Wellness Center, we are looking for feedback from students, faculty, and staff related to specific programmatic elements of the new building. In particular, we would like to define dimensions of wellness as well as interest areas and identify potential components that will ultimately go in the building. The dimensions of wellness we are going to discuss are Spiritual, Social, Emotional, Intellectual, Physical, Financial, Sustainability, Diversity and Inclusion and Creative. The interest areas include Aquatics/Swimming, Special Events, Commuter Lounge, and Outdoor/Climbing/Biking. We are looking for individuals who are interested in these topics to attend a 60 minute sessions we have set up next week, August 19-21. Food will be provided at each meeting. To sign up, please go here and input your information: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/cuwellness2015

If you have any questions, email studentlife@ucdenver.edu