Benefits Charges
Employees on 9-pay-9 contracts (September through May) will be billed for summer benefits, even though they’re not being paid. In some cases, these employees may have their benefits payments deducted from their paychecks upon returning to work in September.
Employees on leave for more than 90 days also must continue to pay their benefits premiums.
Tax Increases
Faculty members may see an increase in the amount of taxes withheld from their paychecks if they’re bumped into a higher tax bracket due to the following circumstances:
- A faculty member is paid on 9-pay-12 contract and receives additional salary payments during the summer.
- A faculty member retirees or is terminated and, as a result, receives a large, lump-sum payment.
To offset the impact of these scenarios, employees can adjust their W-4 forms for May (by May 13) and/or June (by June 11).
Still have questions? Contact Employee Services at 303.860.4200.