Author: Brad Hinson
Tech Bits: Theo, Sharefile, and HelpDesk… oh my.
When it rains it pours. Technology issues that could be impacting you, and some context for the changes underway. Theo is leaving. After 16 years in the SEHD, this is Theo Zion’s last week taking care of our technology aches and pains. Please say farewell before he’s gone. We have hired a part-time/temp/backfill position in…
Where’s my stuff!?
We would like to say thank you, please, and sorry about your stuff. The Information Technology & Instructional Design (ITID) team has been backlogged on technology shipping and receiving – causing extensive delays. The state of the world has caused technology ordering and shipping delays across the country, i.e. supply chains and a deficit of…
LinkTank 07/27/20
read Not Taking Bad Advice: A Pedagogical Model/ Jesse Stommel watch numb (learning isolation) / liv mcneil listen Imagining September / TeachLab explore DPL Digital Makerspace / Digital Pedagogy Lab connect Colorado Teaching w Technology Conference / COLTT 8/5-8/6 productivity LinkDrop / Snooze your tabs smile The Pudding / extraordinary data storytelling Learning Design & Technology…
LinkTank 07/20/20
read Annotate Your Syllabus 3,0 / Remi Kalir watch DTL Conference Keynote / Robin DeRosa listen Making Deep Learning Human (ungrading) / Gilbert Strang / MIT ChalkRadio try Descript / transcription & editing all in one connect Digital Pedagogy Lab 2020/ July 26 – Aug 2 productivity Reader Mode / distraction free web smile Window Swap / expand your…
LinkTank 07/13/20
read The Lecture Paradox / Creating Moments of Shared Presence / David White watch Ungrading Research Overview / Human Restoration Project (HRP) listen This Is Not a Test / Race, Class & Education / Jose Luis Vilson* / Teaching in Higher Ed Podcast try Kialo / student discussion and debate connect Games for Change Virtual Festival 2020…
LinkTank 07/01/20
read Fostering Fun / Engaging Students with Asynchronous Online Learning / Lisa Forbes / Faculty Focus watch Make Super Simple Videos for Teaching Online / Michael Wesch / YouTube listen Making Deep Learning Human (ungrading) / Gilbert Strang / MIT ChalkRadio try Techsmith Knowmia Conversations / Video Coaching connect The Remote Summit / July 13-14…
Welcome Sean Michael Morris
Please join us in welcoming Sean Michael Morris to the School of Education & Human Development. Sean will be a Senior Instructor in the Learning Design & Technology (LDT) program and will bring his continued roll as the Director of the Digital Pedagogy Lab (DPL). Sean is originally from the Denver area and is making a…
A New Pedagogy is Emerging…
Remixed CC By In all the discussion about learning management systems, open educational resources (OER), massive open online courses (MOOCs), social media, options for assessment, learning analytics, new forms of credentials, and augmented and virtual reality, perhaps the most important issues, concern how technology is changing the way we teach and – more importantly…
Knowmadic Learning
“A knowmad is what I term a nomadic knowledge and innovation worker – that is, a creative, imaginative, and innovative person who can work with almost anybody, anytime, and anywhere. Knowmads are valued for the personal knowledge that they possess, and this knowledge gives them a competitive advantage in social and work contexts. Industrial society is giving…
Annotating Beyond the LMS
The advent of online learning and instructional design brought the classroom onto the web, and with it all manner of teaching: good and bad, coherent and incoherent, networked and disconnected. Whatever pedagogy any given teacher employed in his classroom became digitized. If I teach history by reading from my twenty-year-old notes, or if I lead workshops…