JoinUs: Google Hangout with Anya Kamenetz (Author of The Test & NPR EDU Reporter)

Join WCET colleagues on February 5 at 12 MDT for a Google Hangout on Air with Anya Kamenetz. View the Hangout and participate in the conversation via Twitter, #WCETHangout.


Standardized assessments test our children, our teachers, our schools—and increasingly, our patience.

The Test explores all sides of this problem—where these tests came from, their limitations and flaws, and ultimately what parents, teachers, and concerned citizens can do. It recounts the shocking history and tempestuous politics of testing and borrows strategies from fields as diverse as games, neuroscience, and ancient philosophy to help children cope. It presents the stories of families, teachers, and schools maneuvering within and beyond the existing educational system, playing and winning the testing game. And it offers a glimpse into a future of better tests. With an expert’s depth, a writer’s flair, and a hacker’s creativity, Anya Kamenetz has written an essential book for any parent who has wondered: what do I do about all these tests?