The University uses ePERs (electronic Personnel Effort Reporting) to comply with federal regulations commonly known as Uniform Guidance. Every employee who is paid from or has committed cost sharing effort to a federally sponsored project or other sponsored projects is required to certify an ePER. Certification gives assurance to the sponsor that the effort being put into a project aligns with the effort being paid by grant funding or cost share funding.
If you recently received an email about ePER certification and need direct support with your ePER, it’s highly recommended that you contact Bolormaa Begzsuren in our SEHD Grants and Contract Administration for assistance without a further delay.
ePERs Access
- Access to the ePERs tile is automatically generated for these three scenarios:
- The person is an employee paid by a sponsored project and has been issued their first ePER.
- The person is a supervisor of an employee that receives an ePER.
- The person is a PI on a sponsored project.
- The ePERs tile can be accessed by logging in to your campus portal. Click on the CU Resources Home drop-down menu and select Business Tools, then click on the ePERs tile.