Monthly Sponsored Projects Summary for December

For your review is the monthly sponsored projects summary for December (p. 1 w/CEDC Bioengineering, p. 2 w/o CEDC Bioengineering).


Summary Fiscal YTD w/o CEDC Bioengineering (% compared to last FY):


Awards: $17.4M (+84%)

Proposals: 120 requesting $46.3M (+14%, –3%)

Expenditures: $11.0M (+18%)


Special shout-outs to CAP, CEDC, and SEHD which are showing +316%, +163%, and 272% respectively in FYTD awards ($) growth.


Other updates/information:


* The research symposium to kick off Grand Challenge (GC) 2 is one week from today please encourage your faculty to participate.  Several GC1-related proposals have been submitted to NSF and other agencies.  These GC teams are supported in part by Hanover Research. Hanover Research is also providing PI training to 24 junior faculty. Thanks to Stefan Reiss and Michael Jensen for managing these efforts.


* The NSF Regional Innovation Engines proposal, “CO-WY Engine” was successfully submitted.  This 10 year, $160M proposal to NSF for development and commercialization of technologies related to climate resiliency was a tremendous effort led by Innosphere Ventures involving CU Boulder, CSU, CSM, CU Denver, and Univ. of Wyoming; NREL, NIST, NOAA; and industry partners. Thanks to for significant contributions by Stefan Reiss, Anthony Graves, and CU Denver faculty including Jan Mandel and Austin Troy. The next step would be NSF’s request for a site visit within 6 months.


* The ORS seed grants program has been restructured as a resource to assist faculty in proposal development.  There are spring and fall funding cycles with the first application deadline 28 February.  One highlight is that matching funds from the college/department are no longer required. Information can be found on the Research and Creativity SharePoint Hub Site


* In FY2022, CU Denver recovered F&A a.k.a. ICR of $3.590M (Three Year Average: $3.570M).  Of $3.590M, 70% or $2.513M goes to the budget office and 30% or $1.077M goes to the colleges/schools.  The budget office funds ORS at $1.084M [salaries, research awards (seed grants), and office operations] and Anschutz at $757K for research support (COMIRB, EH&S, Regulatory Compliance, research IT, IACUC) as part of a shared budget based on a total research and sponsored expenditures metric.


From Dean Lynn:

“I’m incredibly pleased with SEHD faculty’s astounding success in getting and seeking external grants. Congratulations to you all. You make CU Denver look so good!”


For more information, please visit and follow us on Twitter @CUDenResearch

Thank you for working with your faculty to increase CU Denver’s research and creative activities enterprise!