Curriculum Committee Minutes
Date: March 3, 2025
- Jorge Chavez – co chair
- Troyann Gentile
- Andrea Laser – co chair
- Julia Mahfouz
- Dane Stickney
- Shakira Anderson
- Shannon Hagerman (CPE)
Review Syllabus Template for Faculty Meeting:
- Why are we doing this work, go over links and examples
Keeping on the Radar:
Cross listing course guidelines
LDFS title change (fall 2026)
Committee Procedures (review and update, who approves?)
Status Item(s) Presenter
Approved INTE 7110 Revision & Cross list Joni Dunlap
Title: Learning Design, Coaching, and Mentoring
- Updating the title of INTE 7110 to align with program area focus on learning design.
- Creating INTE 5110 to cross list for LDT-MA students and students in the Leadership for Learning Design & Technology Certificate.
Approved LCRT 4000/500 Revision Lucinda Soltero-Gonzalez & Lori Elliott
Title: Elementary Literacy Instruction & Assessment in Diverse Classrooms
- Updating course title and description to meet CDE mandated READ Act certification requirements.
Approved STEM Courses Geeta Verma & Tami Caraballo-Browning
- SCED 4004/5004 Revision
Title: Elementary & Middle School Science Methods
- Updating title and description to make the course applicable for elementary and middle school teachers.
- This will open enrollment to students working towards a K-8 certification.
- STEM 6030
Title: Decolonization STEM Spaces: Beyond Equity & Access
- Creating STME 6030 for STEM MA students. STME 7030 already exists for doctoral students.