Curriculum Committee Minutes
Date: February 17, 2025
- Jorge Chavez – co chair
- Troyann Gentile
- Andrea Laser – co chair
- Julia Mahfouz
- Dane Stickney
- Shakira Anderson
- Shannon Hagerman (CPE)
Check in on syllabus template updates
- The goal is to have syllabus examples ready to discuss at the 3/5 faculty meeting.
A new member will not join the CC this year
- All faculty members are on other committees, no one is available to step in.
Status Item(s) Presenter
Approved RSEM 6700 Nancy Leech & David Leech
Title: Data Manipulation and Visualization
- An elective course for MA students.
- The course will introduce students to the fundamentals of working in a database, including how to write a query using SQL.
- Students will gain valuable information that will help them be competitive in the job market.
Approved CMFT Practicum Courses Rashmi Gangamma
- Updating practicum course titles and descriptions to indicate requirements for Couple & Family Therapy. The current requirements reflect the dual Counseling/CFT track which no longer exist.
- CMFT 5910 Practicum & Supervision CFT
- CMFT 5911 Practicum & Individual Supervision CFT
- Committee Feedback: Provide more detail on the grading for CMFT 5911 (i.e. how is the final grade determined)?
Approved CLDE Credit Hour Updates Chris Carson
- CLDE 5820 & 5821 Methods of Teaching Multilingual Learners I & II
- CLDE 5820 was recently changed to a variable credit course. Students enrolled in 2-credit hours in the fall, and 1-credit hour during the spring.
- This was confusing for students, and difficult to manage for staff and faculty.
- Adding a new course CLDE 5821, to help manage the process. Students will take CLDE 5820 (2-credits) in the fall and CLDE 5821 (1- credit) in the spring.
- CLDE 5825 & 5826 Methods of Teaching Content for Multilingual Learners I & II
- CLDE 5825, updating the credit hours to 2-credit hours for students to complete during the fall semester.
- Adding a new course CLDE 5826 (1-credit hour) to manage the process. Students will enroll in CLDE 5826 during the spring semester.
- Committee Feedback: Think about a separate syllabus for each course to make expectations and meeting dates clearer.