During Wednesday’s SEHD retreat, it was clear that our shifting campus and national contexts have put demands on many of us, in various ways. As a follow up to the Community in a Changing DEI Context discussion, a resource page has been created for all of SEHD. The Resource Hub is a short-term and long-term approach to knowledge sharing, and it is intended to grow, contract, and expand as needed. This is a private crowd-sourcing and crowd-sharing resource hub. It is intended to be a repository of information, guidance, strategies, and learning opportunities that support faculty and staff in addressing student needs as well as those of staff and faculty.
About the Hub: currently, there are internal-focused folders (green) and external or community-focused folders (blue). In the current version of the site, the privacy setting means that approval will precede membership, only to reduce uninvited participation on a strengths-based, internal platform. The repository will grow and change as befitting the activity that it engenders. As you participate in the resource hub, consider the initial folder structure as you identify resources to share. Also, consider whether the resource is focused on action, awareness, systemic change, or personal well-being, which should be evident from the file label that you employ (e.g., “Know_Your_Rights_Awareness” vs “Know_Your_Rights_Change”).
Use this link to join the site (expect brief delays in approval), as all in SEHD are welcome.