Important Year-End Reminders to SEHD Cardholders & Concur Approvers

*Note to all SEHD Cardholders:

  • We are approaching year-end, and we are asking all p-card and travel card holders to stop their spending for the last few weeks of June in order to make the correct reallocations for fiscal year-end close. Please make any purchases as soon as possible, and send Keiko Goldman the receipts right away so that I can process the transactions accordingly.

 *Note to all SEHD Concur Approvers:

  • We are approaching year-end, and we are asking all p-card and travel card holders to stop their spending for the last few weeks of June in order to make the correct reallocations for fiscal year-end close. We are also asking that the approvers check Concur and their email for any Concur notices for reports that need approval. Please approve reports right away to ensure that they are allocated to the corresponding fiscal year. We appreciate your help.

Thank you,

SEHD Finance