Funding Opportunity: NSF Releases National STEM Teacher Corps Pilot Program



Please contact Tricia Ball at if you are interested in applying.

Lewis-Burke Associates LLC – May 30, 2024

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is establishing the new National STEM Teacher Corps Pilot Program within the Directorate for STEM Education (STEM EDU). This program aims to elevate PreK-12 teaching in STEM by providing professional development support and by “recognizing outstanding STEM educators who advance equity in our Nation’s preK-12 classrooms.” This program was authorized in the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, was specifically directed in the final fiscal year (FY) 2024 appropriations bill, and is informed by previous NSF programs. The National STEM Teacher Corps Pilot aims to improve STEM education for all students, including those from underserved and underrepresented communities.

For this solicitation, NSF is seeking proposals to form Regional Alliances for recruiting STEM teachers to become members of the National STEM Teacher Corps. The Alliance will provide mentorship and professional development to STEM teachers with the goal of enhancing the quality and preparedness of the STEM teacher workforce. Alliances are responsible for recruiting members from PreK-12 schools within their given region. Members will serve a term of at least four years.

The responsibilities of the Alliance include:

  • Engage local partners such as state educational agencies (SEAs), local educational agencies (LEAs), institutions of higher education (IHEs), and education non-profit organizations to create communities of practice;
  • Coordinate professional development activities led by the National STEM Teacher Corps members;
  • Coordinate members with professional development programs to serve as teachers/mentors;
  • Seek opportunities to serve teachers who are not members of the National STEM Teacher Corps including screening, interviewing, and selecting new members to persify talent.

For this competition, NSF invites proposals from Regional Alliances from the “Northeast (New England and/or Mid-Atlantic), South (South Atlantic, East South Central, and/or West South Central), West (Mountain and/or Pacific), and Midwest (West North Central and/or East North Central) regions and pisions as defined by the US Census Bureau (us_regp.pdf (” NSF plans to make one award to each region but notes that Regional Alliances do not have to contain all states within the region. More information regarding the responsibilities of the STEM Teacher Corps members, Alliance responsibilities, and Alliance Partners, as well as definitions (Section II.A), can be found in the full solicitation.

This program will award cooperative agreements. Planning proposals are also welcome to be submitted any time during the year. A consultation with a program officer is required before submitting a planning proposal.

Due Dates: Submission of a letter of intent is optional but recommended. Letters of intent must be submitted by August 20, 2024. Full proposals must be submitted by October 1, 2024.

Total Funding and Award size: The program has total funding of up to $35 million for the first five years. NSF plans to support 8-10 Regional Alliances with a funding of up to $1 million for each Alliance per year, for an initial five years with the potential to be extended up to ten years. Up to 15 planning grants are expected to be awarded as well depending on availability of funds.

Eligibility: Proposals may be submitted by Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) including two- and four-year institutions. The inpidual serving as the PI must hold a degree in a STEM discipline, Education, STEM Education, or another related field. Eligible institutions may submit no more than one proposal.

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