Interested in digging into a book that draws on and supports intellectual activities of School of Education & Human Development faculty members? We highly recommend the following recent works for their outstanding quality and originality.

Margarita Bianco, associate professor in the Special Education program, edited the recruitment section of the Handbook of Research on Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers published in 2022 (American Educational Research Association).

Lisa Forbes, clinical assistant professor in Counseling, coauthored The Professors at Play PlayBook: Playful Pedagogy to Transform Higher Education in 2022 (ETC Press).

Jarrod Hanson, clinical assistant professor and site professor in Teacher Education, coauthored The Other American Dilemma: Schools, Mexicans and the Nature of Jim Crow, 1912-1953 in 2021 (SUNY Press).
Kristie Kauerz, clinical associate professor in Leadership for Educational Organizations, and members of the National P-3 Center, coauthored a handbook called Leading Learning Communities: A Principal’s Guide to Early Learning and the Early Grades (Pre-K–3rd Grade) in 2021 (National Association of Elementary Principals).

Marvin Lynn, Dean, co-edited The Handbook of Critical Race Theory in Education with Dr. Adrienne Dixson in 2022 (Routledge). It features chapters by the most prolific scholars in education and law.

Julia Mahfouz, assistant professor in Leadership for Educational Organizations, coedited Supporting Leaders for School Improvement through Self-Care and Wellbeing in 2023 (Information Age Publishing).

Ron Tzur, professor of mathematics education, coedited Enabling Mathematics Learning of Struggling Students in 2022 with special education researchers Yan Ping Xin and Helen Thouless (Springer Nature). Tzur especially recommends two, interrelated chapters (#3 and #5), respectively titled: “Connecting theory to concept building: Designing instruction for learning” and “Discerning learning as conceptual change: A vital reasoning tool for teachers.”

Noteworthy Book Chapters

Robert Allan, associate professor in Couple and Family Therapy, authored We Cannot Change What We Cannot Name for Ourselves: Integrating Attachment Theory into Couple Therapy with Gay Men in 2021 In R. Harvey and M. Murphy et al. (Ed.), Handbook of LGBT-Affirmative Couple and Family Therapy, 2nd edition (Routledge).
Nancy Leech and Courtney Donovan, faculty members in Research and Evaluation Methods, coauthored Designing Integrative Mixed Methods Research: Mixed Methods Sampling and Data Collection in 2022 In B. Tierney, F. Rizvi, and K. Ercikan (Ed.) International Encyclopedia of Education (Elsevier Science & Technology).

Elena Sandoval-Lucero, clinical assistant professor in Leadership for Educational Organizations, authored Diversity of Student Populations and How We Serve Them in 2023 with colleagues Ignacio Hernandez from Fresno State University and Gillian McKnight-Tutein from Community College of Denver In G. McClellan and J. Marquez Kiyama (Ed.) The Handbook of Student Affairs Administration, 5th Edition (Jossey-Bass).
Dane Stickney, clinical assistant professor in ASPIRE to Teach, and Carlos Hipolito-Delgado, Counseling professor, coauthored Get Out of Your Own Way: Sharing Power to Engage Students of Color in Authentic Conversation of Social Inequity in 2022 In J.C. Lo and D.E. Hess (Ed.) Making Classroom Discussions Work: Methods for Quality Dialogue in the Social Studies (Teachers College Press).

Elizabeth Steed, associate professor in Early Childhood Education, authored Educational Services for Young Children with Disabilities During COVID-19: A Synthesis of Emergent Literature in 2022 In J. Pattnaik and M.R. Jalongo (Ed.) The Impact of COVID-19 on Early Childhood Education and Care: International Perspectives, Challenges, and Responses (Springer Nature).