Call for Student, Faculty and Alumni Suggestions for CU Denver Branding Project by June 21

As the University Communications department continues to work on the CU Denver brand refresh, the team would like to highlight four or five current students, faculty, staff, or alumni that embody the diversity, strength, and vibrancy.

The team is looking for people to feature that, yes, have a compelling story to share, but can trace their successes, joy, and wonder to a specific catalyst or moment. Perhaps it was overcoming a hardship. Or a professor who inspired them. Or the day when they realized how they wanted to make a contribution to their community.

It could be someone who is the first person in their family to go to college, or a working parent striving to make a better life for their children, or an emerging engineer, filmmaker, scientist, or civic leader who wants to change their community.

The branding team wants to discover how CU Denver helped them on that journey. For example, as part of the Detour mural project, the team shared Will Mundo’s story. A first-generation college student and first-generation American, Mundo watched his father provide medical care in his community and was inspired to go into medicine. At CU Denver, Mundo talked about a specific moment in a CU Denver classroom when he realized that he could tie his interest in social justice to a career in healthcare. Now a doctor, he is still passionate about health equity—and CU Denver helped make that connection happen.

Please think broadly: The team is looking for people who are unforgettable, even if they may not graduate with honors and individuals who reflect our community and people who will inspire future generations to enroll at CU Denver.

Please submit story ideas to by Wed. June 21, or sooner with as much background as possible. Julia will keep a list of all the suggestions that come in and bring that list to Dean Lynn.

*UCOMM will use your suggestions to create a library of stories ideas during brand launch and after brand launch.

Thanks in advance for your time!