- Ed Cannon – Committee Chair
- Kristie Kauerz – Co-chair
- Remi Kalir
- Liz Mahon
- Scott McLeod
- *Diana Schaack
- Shakira Anderson
- *Shannon Hagerman (CPE)
*unable to attend
- 5-year syllabi review
- Diversity Committee reviewed syllabus guidelines. The committee will make edits according the Diversity Committee’s comments
- The guidelines, or discussion points will be presented at the program leaders meeting
- Committee will confirm the steps, and timeline for the final review process
- Schedule a meeting with HR and Dorothy, to work on an improvement to the lecturer hiring process, so instructors are not approved after they start teaching (as sometimes happens now)
- The CC will develop a statement to bring to the faculty to review that defines the roles and responsibilities of the committee, its relationship with faculty, and preferred processes etc.
- Develop in March 2021
Status Item(s) Presenter
Lecturer hiring process HR and Dean Garrison-Wade
- Met with the HR team and Dean Garrison-Wade to go over the lecturer hiring process and cycle
- Identified reasons for last minute hires – lecturers not accepting prorated pay, adding a section or a course late, lecturer is hired during a time when the committee does not meet (winter break or summer)
- Next steps: have a conversation with program leaders about low enrolled/prorated courses, and the hiring timeline
- Work with program leaders to utilize the open lecturer candidate pool, to help approve lecturers early in the process
- Come up with a policy for late hires