Faculty help needed in staffing two EDFN graduate classes.



Faculty help needed in staffing two EDFN graduate classes. Please see the information below.

EDFN 7400, spring 2018. Epistemologies: Ways of Knowing. Epistemology is the study of knowledge: what it is, how it is formed, and how we think we know what we claim to know. In this course, questions about what counts as knowledge, whose knowledge counts, and who gets to decide are addressed. We examine an array of epistemologies – or, alternately, ways of knowing – as well as foundational ethical questions about people and their relationships to the social world. Additionally, issues of power and inequality are examined across topics. Assumptions about the relational, contextual, embodied, structural, and political quality of ways of knowing are also examined.

EDFN 7410, summer 2018. Power and Privilege: The Social Construction of Difference. This course is situated within a framework of social inquiry, informed by a range of critical theoretical perspectives, and advanced by an understanding of the nature of both individual and systemic change. In this course, we seek to understand how institutions, social systems and individual experiences create and sustain systems of power and privilege that ensure access for some while excluding others. This framework requires, then, that to impact a transformation of the current social systems, including public education, towards goals of equity and social justice, we must work to disrupt dominant ideologies by creating spaces in which people begin to develop a critical understanding of the cultural, political, economic, and other institutional forces that perpetuate systems of privilege and oppression, and to reform institutions of learning by preparing leaders and educators to develop a critical consciousness, reflective practice, and commitment to action in relation to the policies, curricula, pedagogies, and practices they employ.

Anyone interested should contact Associate Professor Manuel Espinoza directly.

Thank you,

Manuel Luis Espinoza, Ph.D.
Associate Professor & Director, Right to Learn Undergraduate Research Collective
University of Colorado Denver
1380 Lawrence St., Room 732
Denver, Colorado 80204
Phone: 303.315.4994