The Faculty Research Center



Save the date: Using DeDoose for Qualitiative Analysis on October 19th 12:00-1:30, lunch provided.


The Faculty Research Center is here to support your research from idea to publication.  To set up an appointment email Courtney Donovan.  Below is a list of services (click here to see the list of services on our web site).

Also, please let Courtney know if you’re interested in joining a writing group to support each other in the effort of dedicating time to write.

 The Research Center provides a variety of services to support research and grant-writing initiatives. Below is a list of services we provide along with other unique requests.  If your request is research-related we strive to help!

Research support throughout the research process: From Idea to Project to Publication

  • Literature/article searches

This is not a full literature review but if you need a quick literature scan of about 10 articles we can do that.  You can also contact Auraria Library: Kelly is the education librarian or Lorrie is one of our social sciences librarians.

  • Grant searches

Please contact the Office of Research Development and Education (ORDE) whose services include personalized grant searches ( – contact Lynette Michael and/or Naomi Nishi).

  • Proposal help and review

If you need help organizing and writing a proposal let us know.  We are also a great resource to review it before you submit (please allow at least a week!).

  • Methodology consultation

Need help brainstorming an appropriate research method?  We offer support with quantitative, qualitative, & mixed methodologies.

  • Partner organizations

If you need help finding or working with a partner organization, ask us!  C-PEER is also working actively to gather appropriate data privacy agreements.

  • Data Collection Support

Quantitative data collection support includes creating and distributing surveys and measures.  Qualitative data collection support includes help with observations, interviews, focus groups, & documents.

  • Transcription

We can support you in finding companies or GA’s with price and turnaround time comparisons.

  • Data Analysis Support

This includes quantitative support like data entry and cleaning support, descriptive statistics, and inferential stats (ANOVA, correlation, regression, chi-square) as well as advanced stats modeling.  It also includes qualitative analysis like coding, themes, triangulation, and inter-rater reliability.

  • Help Choosing Analysis

If you have collected a lot of data but don’t know what to do next, contact us!

  • Software Support

This includes SPSS, Excel, Qualtics (survey program), and DeDoose (qualitative program)

  • Edits and Review

If you need another set of eyes on an article or grant proposal, send it over!  If you need strict APA edits please consider CLAS, but if you want peer-reviewed edits before submission or re-submission this is the place.

Growing Research Knowledge and Comfort through Video Refreshers!

  • Methodology comparisons (when to use each typology and the parts and pieces associated)
  • Descriptive statistics (central tendency, variability, distributions, relative standing)
  • Inferential stats refresher (hypothesis testing, t-tests, ANOVA, correlation, regression, and chi-square)
  • Power and Effect Size (using G*Power, estimating sample size needed)
  • Qualitative analysis using DeDoose
  • Inter rater reliability techniques

Building Resources for Your Research Toolbox

  • Methodology comparisons and examples (i.e. why would I use a case study verses phenomenology?)
  • Specific proposal resources (i.e. I’m doing a case study…now what?)
  • Data collection resources (workshops, books, articles, videos) – separated by specific techniques
  • Data analysis resources (workshops, books, articles, videos) – separated by techniques

Please contact the Center at 303-315-4969 or to inquire about a service that is not included above.​