Congratulations Dr. Farah Ibrahim and Jianna R. Heurer for their new publication!



This publication titled, Existential Theories of Gender Development, was published in the book The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender

Read the full text of Dr. Farah Ibrahim and her daughter, Jianna R. Heurer’s new publication here: Existential Theories of Gender Development

For more information about The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender, Click Here.

Book Abstract:

The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender is an innovative exploration of the intersection of gender and psychology―topics that resonate across disciplines and inform our everyday lives. This encyclopedia looks at issues of gender, identity, and psychological processes at the individual as well as the societal level, exploring topics such as how gender intersects with developmental processes both in infancy and childhood and throughout later life stages; the evolution of feminism and the men’s movement; the ways in which gender can affect psychological outcomes and influence behavior; and more. With articles written by experts across a variety of disciplines, this encyclopedia delivers insights on the psychology of gender through the lens of developmental science, social science, clinical and counseling psychology, sociology, and more.


This encyclopedia will provide librarians, students, and professionals with ready access to up-to-date information that informs some of today’s key contemporary issues and debates. These are the sorts of questions we plan for this encyclopedia to address: What is gender nonconformity?  What are some of the evolutionary sex differences between men and women?  How does gender-based workplace harassment affect health outcomes?  How are gender roles viewed in different cultures? What is third-wave feminism?