Curriculum Committee Minutes

May 1, 2017


Jarrod Hanson
Heather Johnson (absent)
Joni Dunlap
Dennis DeBay
Lisa Forbes
Cristina Gillanders


Shakira Anderson
Hilary Bruce (absent)


Syllabus Revisions:

• HDFR 7240 Latin@ Families in Schools and Communities, syllabus revisions approved.
• SCHL 5100 School Libraries in the Digital Age, syllabus revisions approved.


Status                               Item(s)                                                         Presenter(s)

Approved                 Internships & Field Experiences                     Cindy Gutierrez
• ECED 4933 updating credit hours to variable, 2-8 to support ECE non-licensure majors. Students will be working on the job, in community based early childhood locations. Credit hours will be split across two semesters.
• ECED 4934 New Course
o Title: Extended Internship & Collaborative Learning Community
o Course supports students who need extended time in an internship to fully develop their practice.
• EDHD 2930 updating credit hours to variable, 2-3 to support the Otero Junior College partnership.

Approved                                 RSEM 7140 New Course                          Kent Seidel
• Title: Management & Secondary Analysis of Large Datasets
• Doctoral students from RSEM, HDFR and PsyD programs will benefit from this course. Will also be promoted to the schools of nursing and business.

Approved                                         EDHD 5020 New Course                 Ashley Marotta, Julia Kantor
• Title: Leading Social Emotional Learning in P-12 Schools
• Course is the third course in the Curriculum and Instruction MA: Pedagogy for 21st Century Learners concentration.

Approved                               LLCRT and HDFR Certificate                    Sherry Taylor, Ruben Anguiano
• Applied Family Literacy
• Certificate offers family and community helping professionals, professional development that can stand alone, or apply towards graduate studies.

Pending                                       LCRT 5021 New Course
• Title: Literacy and Play in Diverse Contexts
• Part of the new Applied Family Literacy certificate.
• The committee has requested an updated syllabus before approving the course.

Approved                                 ECED 4650/5650 New Course                         Cristina Gillanders
• Title: Dual Language Learners Development and Learning
• Course focuses on dual language learning for young children.

Approved                                  ECED 4010 Course Revision                                       Lori Ryan
• Updating course title from Social Studies & Creative Arts to Inquiry and the Disciplines.
• Revising the title and course description to better fit within the ECE licensure and non-licensure tracks.


All GFAs approved


Update on RSEM 7200: Educational Ethnography, course will not be cross listed with HDFR