For updated information, please visit the Pattern of Administration
and read the section about Teaching Assistants,
found at the wiki, linked here:
You’re watching your course enrollment and anxiously awaiting the moment when your course hits the magic number that will allow you to qualify for a TA. Now what?
First, make sure you do qualify:
- Face-to-Face-32 enrolled
- Hybrid-32 enrolled
- Online-25 enrolled
If your course meets the minimum enrollment as specified above, congratulations you may fill out the online TA Request form (select “TA Hire” from the drop-down menu). Don’t know who you want to hire as a TA? Check with your program leader for suggestions.
Just remember, it takes time to complete the hiring paperwork and get a TA setup in Canvas, so as soon as your numbers qualify, do not delay in sending in your online request!
Contact if you have any questions about the TA hiring process.