Jarrod Hanson
Heather Johnson
Joni Dunlap
Dennis DeBay
Lisa Forbes
Cristina Gillanders – not in attendance
Staff: Shakira Anderson – not in attendance
Hilary Bruce
A GFA template letter for Graduate Part Time Instructors (GPTI) was created and will be added to SEHD Impact.
Status Item(s) Presenter
Pending HDFR 1020 Course Revisions Ruben Anguiano
- Update the course number for Black and Latino Children to HDFR 3020. Also updating the long course title and course description.
- The committee provided syllabus recommendations and feedback. Would like to see syllabus revisions before approval.
Pending HDFR 4000 Course Revisions
- Update the course number for Human Sexuality to HDFR 2080. Also update the course title and course description.
- The committee provided syllabus recommendations and feedback. Would like to see syllabus revisions before approval.
Pending SPSY 6911 Credit Hour Revision Franci Crepeau-Hobson
- Change credit hours from variable 1-3 credit hours, to fixed 3 credit hours.
- Committee had concerns regarding class participation, requirements for the Plan and the Log, and NASP standards. All these concerns are addressed in the Handbook, which is provided to students on the first day of class, and relevant sections are discussed.
- Add SEHD policy language to syllabus for final approval.
Approved SPSY 6818 Credit Hour Revision
- Approved to change the credits hours for SPSY 6918 from variable1-3 credits, to fixed 3 credit hours.
- Changing credit hours to meet accreditation standards of a doctoral program. Students are required to take a full school-based practicum, before taking internship.
All appointments approved.