Call to Act
ion! CDE Educator Preparation and Licensing Rule Alignment Draft Review and Feedback
July 16, 2015 – August 10, 2015
Please participate! We still have another 3,000 foot climb on our way to the top of our 14,000 foot mountain, but with your amazing stakeholder feedback, we have been able to make significant progress on the Educator Preparation and Licensing Rules Alignment project. I cannot thank you enough for your work. And, while we are close, this is the most important time for your engagement and feedback.
Please review the Educator Preparation and Licensing Alignment Rules draft document and then provide your feedback through our Google Feedback Form. More detailed instructions follow.
Instructions for Submission of Feedback
- Review theEducator Preparation and Licensing Alignment Rules draft document in full detail. This is a large document and it contains track changes so that you can see what the rules looked before and what they look like now. Please remember, we did not add any new endorsement areas, licenses or other large rules that impact educator preparation authorization and educator licensing. Rather, this document contains revisions and updates that align with our current legislative requirements, such as SB 10-191, Educator Effectiveness and other statutory obligations. It also has been updated to reflect current practice in our classrooms. These rules truly reflect what we need educators to know and be able to demonstrate in order to be highly effective for all students in Colorado.
- Open the Google Feedback Form and enter your comments and feedback.In order to ensure alignment and documentation, we are utilizing Google forms for your written feedback.
Hint – You may want to document your responses and thinking in a Word Document or other format before you enter them into this Google Form. While we trust technology explicitly, sometimes having your incredible thoughts written down and saved in a Word document prevents extreme frustration should technology fail us.
- CDE Reviews and Incorporates Feedback: Week of August 10, 2015. CDE will review the stakeholder feedback and incorporate suggestions as needed.
- Formal Rule Making Process with the Board of Education: September and ongoing. Once the stakeholder feedback is incorporated, CDE will engage in the formal rule making process as set forth by the Board of Education. This process will include opportunities for additional written feedback and formal rule making hearings. The timeline for the formal rule making process is tentatively scheduled for September through the remainder of 2015. More information about the specific timeline will be forthcoming.