Category: Uncategorized
Suzanne Arnold and ASPIRE to Teach featured in T.H.E Journal
Colorado teachers tap video coaching to strengthen classroom instruction ( It wasn’t too long ago that instructors within University of Colorado Denver’s ASPIRE to Teach alternative teacher licensure program would drive from classroom to classroom all over the Centennial State to train new K–12 teachers. Now, the program utilizes video coaching to support more than…
Grant Awarded
Phil Strain received a 1.4 million dollar grant from the Institute on Education Sciences to study systemic factors that predict school districts’ ability to scale up and sustain implementation of the Leap inclusion model of early autism intervention.
Congratulations to our Faculty Who Were Elected to Serve in AERA
Dr. Cindy Gutierrez, Dr. Remi Kalir, and Dr. Luis E. Poza were elected during the 2017 AERA general election. [table width =”100%” style =”” responsive =”false”] [table_head] [th_column]Dr. Cindy Gutierrez[/th_column] [th_column]Dr. Remi Kalir[/th_column] [th_column]Dr. Luis E. Poza [/th_column] [/table_head] [table_body] [table_row] [row_column]Professional Development School Research Chair-Elect (1-year term begins in 2017) [/row_column] [row_column]Media, Culture, and…
Congratulations to Our Retiring Faculty
Congratulations to our retiring faculty members, Dr. Suzanne Adams and Dr. Nancy Commins, who were granted Emerita status. [table width =”100%” style =”” responsive =”false”] [table_head] [th_column]Dr. Suzanne Adams[/th_column] [th_column]Dr. Nancy Commins[/th_column] [/table_head] [table_body] [table_row] [row_column]Clinical Professor Emerita Early Childhood Education Program Effective: May 1, 2007 [/row_column] [row_column]Clinical Professor Emerita Linguistically Diverse Education Program Effective:…
Staff Professional Development Fund
SEHD Staff Professional Development funds are still available for this fiscal year. Is there a book or journal subscriptions that will be valuable reference for you and your team? Have you seen an interesting online course or in-person seminar that will help you grow as a leader? Please review our the SEHD Staff Professional Development…
HOST: Staff Advisory Council 303-503-4286 SATURDAY, JUNE 17 AT 4:00 PM Sloan’s Lake Park 17th Ave & Utica St.Denver, CO 80212 Catering provided by Little India!
March 15, 2017 – SAC Meeting Minutes
MINUTES SEHD SAC Meeting Wednesday, March 15, 2017 at 3p.m. Location: Lawrence Street Center, Room 1148 In Attendance: Jessica Coon, Rachel Cornelius, Shelley Gomez, Lindsay Harn, Bridget Sabo Items Discussed Diversity Committee Bridget will obtain Sandy’s supervisor approval for Lindsay to be on the committee Jessica will email other staff not selected for the committee….as…
Harmony: a Colorado LGBTS Chorale
I have been singing with Harmony: a Colorado LGBTS Chorale since Fall 2002. Over those years, we have performed all kinds of different music, speaking the language of inclusion and love for all. Our upcoming concerts on May 5th & 6th are particularly personal to me. Tyler Clementi was coming out as a young gay…