The Gender Identity Center has just been added to the approved internship site list. This site is appropriate for the CMHC track. unfortunately, the site is unable to provide support for the CF hour requirements. If interested, please contact Karen
School Counseling Interns Needed
Adams City High School ACHS is looking for a few interns. Please contact either: Kim Mckenna: Nathan Chamberlain: Force Elementary Please contact Jennifer Marx @
Job Opportunity for Counseling Assistant at Force Elementary
If anyone is interested in this position, please contact Jennifer Marx at
New Internship Site -Colorado Coalition for the Homeless
Hello CUDenver Internship Students, I wanted to make you all aware of a new site that has just been approved: Colorado Coalition for the Homeless. This is a wonderful site and has the capability to provide placements for both CMHC
A few things to remember…
Hello UCDenver Internship and Practicum Students, I hope this email finds you all doing very well. We are rounding the corner of the midpoint of the semester, so there are a few things I wanted to remind you all about