Hello everyone,


below is a list of the sites who have registered so far (there is still time for some to do last minute registration


1.) Metropolitan State University of Denver; April Peterson; Apeter79@msudenver.edu

2.) Bear Creek High School; Joy Pearson; jpearson@jeffco.k12.co.us

3.) Maria Droste Counseling Center; Sandra Mann; Sandra_mann@mariadroste.org

4.) Juvenile Diversion Counseling Program 18th Judicial District Attorney Office; Vicki Capps; vcapps@da18.state.co.us

5.) Force Elementary School (DPS); Jenny Marx; Jennifer_marx@dpsk12.org

6.) CU Denver Student and Community Counseling Center

7.) The Denver Center for Crime Victims; Enid Nieves; enieves@denvervictims.org

8.) Mapleton Public Schools; Misti Gossett-Thrower; Throwerm@mapleton.us

9.) Noeticus Counseling Center and Training Institute; Ryan Kennedy; ryan.kennedy@noeticus.org

10.) People House; Lori Ohlson; loriohlson@gmail.com

11.) Trevista at Horace Mann; Emily Stern; Emily_stern@dpsk12.org

12.) CeDAR; Michael Barnes, Michael.barnes@uchealth.org

13.) WINGS Foundation, Inc.; Samantha Thomas, Samantha.thomas@wingsfound.org

14.) Knippenberg, Patterson, Langley, & Associates; Lisa Patterson; lisamariepatterson@comcast.net

15.) Sheridan Health Services; Emily Gamm; Emily.Gamm@ucdenver.edu

16.) Colorado Relationship Counseling, LLC; Jennifer Lucas-Brown; jlucasbrown@hotmail.com

17.) Brightside Counseling Services; Jessica Edmonds; jedmonds@brightsidecounseling.net

18.) Denver Colorado AIDS Project; Kat Austin; Kataustintherapy@gmail.com

19.) Evergreen Psychotherapy Center; Dr. Terry Levy; tlevy@attachmentexperts.com

20.) Howard Baumgarten LPC, LLC; Howard Baumgarten; hibaum@hotmail.com

21.) Care Net Counseling; Erica Klingberg; erica@carenetoffice.com

22.) Breakthrough Interventions; Annette Nunez; breakthroughinterventions@gmail.com

23.) Animal Assisted Therapy Programs of Colorado; Julie Maerz; Jmaerz@aatpc.org

24.) Mount Saint Vincent; Teresa Egan; Tegan@msvhome.org

25.) Clinic Tepeyac; Marco Antillon; bford@clinictepeyac.org

26.) Arapahoe House, Inc.; Annette Hall; ahall@ahinc.org

27.) University of Colorado at Boulder, Career Services; Sandra Rosewell; Sandra.Rosewell@colorado.edu

28.) The Salvation Army Denver ARC; Megan Tillquist; megan.tillquist@usw.salvationarmy.org

29.) Judi’s House; Hannah Dudley; HannahD@judishouse.org

2015 internship Fair Participants