Greetings UCDenver Internship Site Supervisors & Internship Students,
I hope this email finds you all doing well. I wanted to first start off by thanking all of you who serve as supervisors for our UCDenver Counseling Internship students. We appreciate your time and contribution, which is a huge factor in the success of our students.
I wanted to inform you all that there are going to be some changes in the videotape/audiotaping requirement for our Internship students starting in the Fall (Fall 2013). We are mindful of HIPAA and how some sites are tightening up their compliance standards. In response to the changing approach to HIPAA, we as a program want to adjust as much as we can within the boundaries of our program accrediting body; CACREP.
After careful consideration we have decided to replace the current requirement for our internship students to provide audio/video recordings for viewing in the internship supervision course with the following process:
1. Students are required (still in compliance with CACREP standards) to audio or videotape a session and transcribe at least 10 minutes of the session. Students will be required to provide the transcription of the session (without any identifiers) in their internship course. Students will be required to have their site supervisor sign off on the transcription, to indicate that it is verified. (Students are no longer required to transport audio/video recordings off site)
2. In order for us to stay in compliance with CACREP’s standards of obtaining raw data of our student’s counseling skills, we will require the internship site supervisors to either:
a. watch a student’s session live, or
b. watch the student’s recorded session
i. When watching a student’s session, we ask that the supervisors view the session with the counseling competencies in mind. The competencies are what site supervisors evaluate students on at Midterm and Final evaluation times.
Basically, the major change is that students will not be required to bring audio or video recorded sessions to their University Internship course for supervision purposes, but instead follow the above process.
Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.
Be well,