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eCALLMS stands for “e-Learning Communities for Academic Language Learning in Mathematics and Science” and was a large project that ran from September 2011-August 2016. eCALLMS sought to support teacher development of linguistically responsive practices. By offering free, accessible, and flexible online resources to support professional learning communities of teachers, eCALLMS offered innovative and exciting opportunities for teachers to improve their practice with bilingual learners. Even though eCALLMS is over, the eWorkshops from eCALLMS are still available for use, free of charge, through a new project called the International Consortium for Multilingual Excellence in Education (ICMEE) run out of the University of Nebraska Lincoln in collaboration with the University of Colorado Denver.
The eWorkshops are un-facilitated multimedia resources for professional learning communities of teachers to collaboratively learn from. Each eWorkshop was designed with an overarching essential question and several guiding questions to facilitate an inquiry and action oriented approach to collaborative learning. Groups of teachers may begin an eWorkshop at any time and work their way through the learning opportunities on their own timeline.
The online eWorkshops developed by eCALLMS and now offered through ICMEE are informed by the latest research and thinking in the fields of second language acquisition, bilingual education and culturally and linguistically diverse education. Additionally, the content-based eWorkshops are developed through collaborations between language experts and science and mathematics education experts and researchers. Each eWorkshop is developed with the lives and interests of teachers in mind and is also teacher tested and approved. Further, each eWorkshop is aligned with the Colorado Teacher Quality Standards, the Danielson Framework and the LEAP Framework (from Denver Public Schools) to ensure that the professional learning in the eWorkshops aligns with current teacher evaluation approaches. As the ICMEE project expands to new states across the U.S., links to relevant professional evaluation standards will be made as well. The eWorkshops are also aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards, the Common Core State Standards, and the WiDA Standards. The eWorkshops design team took every effort to create the most meaningful and relevant approaches to professional learning for teachers across grade levels, content areas and level of expertise working with bilingual students.
eCALLMS was a U.S. Department of Education National Professional Development grant funded project (T365Z110177) housed at the University of Colorado-Denver.ICMEE is a U.S. Department of Education National Professional Development grant funded project (T365Z160351) housed at the University of Lincoln Nebraska.